Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Maker Fest Magic

Congratulations to all those who made the first ever Makerfest such a fantastic event.  From knitting to weaving to cooking to toy making to worry doll creation to LEGO robotics and 3D printing.  It was totally cool!
-Anna Allanbrook, Principal

Photo courtesy Sam Erickson
Photo courtesy Sam Erickson
Photo courtesy Sam Erickson
Photo courtesy Sam Erickson
Photo courtesy Sam Erickson
A true example of everything that is right about our school. It was so awesome to see all of the parents working so hard. All of the kids and parents had so much fun. And did you hear? I won one of the raffles! I screamed and Briam and I danced. The true highlight of the evening. ;-)
-Jennifer Fleming, Teacher

I thought it was wonderful and inspiring to see so many families truly engaged in "making stuff" together. The combination of our dedicated volunteers with the families who were excited to come and experience Maker Fest was magical!
-Annmarie Matava, Parent

Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
Photo courtesy of Justin Weiner
I saw a 7 year-old BNS 2nd grader discover knitting! She struggled with needles and stitches, but kept at it so so long. I wonder if she even knew that the sweaters and scarves she wears and sees around her were knit by hand and that she could do it too!

For me, looking up from a table to all at once see a virtual SEA of BNS families fill the cafeteria, visiting, smiling, sitting with each other to teach and make was so powerful!  Such concentration on the learning makers' faces and everywhere, busy hands and people sitting and standing together, totally engaged!
-Tish Doggett, Parent
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk

"Glorious, industrious, lively, lovely."
-Mike Shapiro, Parent

Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk
Photo courtesy of Kathryn Kirk

Thank you to everyone who made this inspiring event possible: Janine, AnnMarie, the awesome PTA, Barbara and Johanna, all the volunteers and our wonderful documentarians Kathryn, Justin and Sam. 

Monday, February 10, 2014

Which side are YOU on? Dream and Reality in the Gallery

BNS 5th graders held center stage in the art gallery next to the art room last fall.

Art and social issues have gone hand and hand for centuries, and at BNS, our fifth graders continued the tradition of spreading their message through creativity.  After viewing the video, "Which Side are You On," by Rebel Diaz, they created peace posters expressing their own interpretations of war and peace.

The fifth grade also had an exhibit of their own watercolor/collage mixed media pieces based on their study of the Surrealists paintings of Rene Magritte and Salvador Dali. The aim of Surrealism was to "resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." Our fifth graders have responded to this through their magical, mystical and often paradoxical renditions of works that feature the element of surprise, unexpected juxtapositions and non sequitur.

Thank you 5th grade teachers for keepin' it real!

Janine Sopp