Monday, May 20, 2013

The Roving Parent: Hallway Snaps

BNS always has interesting things on the walls. So much of the time I'm busy rushing from here to there and I forget to register the wonderful things I see. I'm trying to pay more attention. These are a few things that caught my eye:

Found outside K classrooms:

Found outside Ann's art room:

Where do you see creativity at BNS?

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Roving Parent: What inspires you?

Recent examples of our children's beautiful artwork spotted in the BNS hallways. Have you seen anything on the BNS walls that inspires you? 

Arbo's Class Collages

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 Third Grade Mulberry Leaf Drawings with Ann:

 Fifth Grade Prints:

First Grade:

Thank you, Lynn Groveman, for taking these pics!

Saw some art you liked? Be a blogger. Click here.